Thursday, November 8, 2012

Get Naked!

Algonquin Reads would like to let you know about another author event happening at Algonquin College, Woodroffe campus! Get Naked! With Harlan Cohen, the author of The Naked Roommate: 107 issues you might run into in college. This funny and informative presentation deals with everyday issues issues such a college living, finding friends, classes, dating, the party scene, money and so much more. This is your behind the scenes look at EVERYTHING you need to know about college (but never knew you needed to know). This is a free event for Algonquin students and Staff on Tuesday November 13th at 7:00pm in the Algonquin Commons theatre. Doors open at 6:30pm with free McDonalds hamburgers! Get your tickets in the Residence Life Office or at the SA Box Office.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Used Book Sale

Come check out our Used Book sale on: Wednesday Oct 24 and Thursday Oct 25 10:00am - 2:00pm Woodroffe Campus Three locations! Student Commons building J-N Link (second floor, J building) 4 Corners (first floor at the intersection of A and C building) The money we raise goes to supporting Algonquin Reads activities such as our author reading event and the Student Writing Contest. Prices are: Textbooks - $2.00 Hard cover - $1.00 Paper backs - $0.50 Magazines - $0.25 CDs - $0.50 Children’s picture books - $0.25 See you there!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Terry Fallis at Algonquin College

It was a hilarious talk, at Algonquin College, on Oct 2nd, when Terry Fallis came and spoke to a crowd of over 150 people. He talked about his early writing days and how he started creating podcasts of his book, The Best Laid Plans. He was amazed by the feedback, from people around the world. One man in Scotland wrote to him to say that he was mis-pronouncing the brand name of Scotch, that his main character, Angus McLintock liked. Another man in Hong Kong, was stuck in early morning traffic and listening to the podcast saved him from boredom. He also discussed his shock and amazement when he first discovered he made the short list for the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour and then went on to win it, in 2008. Finally, Mr. Fallis read an excerpt from The Best Laid Plans and answered questions from the audience.
After the talk, Mr. Fallis signed copies of his books and talked to members of the audience. It was a great event, and the Algonquin Reads committee wishes to thank Mr. Fallis for coming to the Algonquin and entertaining us!
Photographs taken by Ji Sok Chung, 2nd year Library and Information Technician student.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Terry Fallis coming to Algonquin College!

We are delighted to announce that the author of The Best Laid Plans, Terry Fallis, will be coming to Algonquin on Tuesday, October 2. Come to T102 (Woodroffe) from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Come to this free event and hear him read, ask any questions you might have, and get your copy of the book signed. Don’t have a copy? They are available at the First Class Bookstore and will be on sale at the reading.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP at Mr Fallis will be in Ottawa for the Read for the Cure event on Monday October 1st and we are pleased that he will be able to come to the college as well. Check out the Read for the Cure event here:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Algonquin Reads 2012-2013

This year we are reading, The Best Laid Plans by Terry Fallis. This story is set in Ottawa and is a very humourous look at politics.   Even if you don't like politics, you will love this book!

We are getting ready to launch a number of events for Algonquin Reads throughout the school year, so get your copy now at Connections: The Campus Store, or borrow it from the Library (LRC), available at the Woodroffe and Perth Campuses and through interlibrary loan.  We hope to get as many people at Algonquin College as possible reading this book!

Leave us your comments of what you think of this year's book, or answer our poll at the right side of this page!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Look for us at the President's Breakfast

Look for us at the President's Breakfast and enter our draw for a free copy of this year's Algonquin Reads book, The Best Laid Plans by Terry Fallis. 

You will laugh out loud at the hilarious political antics and wish that honest Angus McLintock lived in your riding.   Set in Ottawa, this is a quick read, is very funny and has something for everyone.

We will be selling copies at the breakfast as well, for $15 even, tax included and it is available in the new bookstore, Connections: The Campus Store, at this very low price. Plus, the sequel, The High Road is also available, if you can't get enough of this story. 

The book can also be heard as a podcast, on Terry Fallis's web site, which is how it was first published. See the web site for more details:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Great Summer Reading - Terry Fallis's The Best Laid Plans

The Algonquin Reads book for 2012/2013 has been chosen. 'The Best Laid Plans' is a hilarious, thought-provoking romp through Canadian politics. You will find the Ottawa setting familiar and the characters, including two uOttawa professors who get sucked into federal politics, endearing. The plot will keep you turning the pages, and the writing will keep you laughing out loud. When you finish the book, and you’re sorry it’s over. . . there’s a sequel ('The High Road')! Read it this summer, and you’ll be ready to participate in the Algonquin Reads events starting in the fall. It’s coming to the First Class Bookstore soon.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Contest Winners

Congratulations to the students who won the Algonquin Reads Student Contest!

The winners are:

Rachel Coulas, a student in the Business Administration program, for her critical essay about the book, Motorcycles and Sweetgrass.

George Tsikouras, a student in the Business Accounting program, for his short story, "Justice is Served", inspired by the book Motorcycles and Sweetgrass.

Read more in the Algonquin Times newspaper !

Congratulations to Rachel and George!

Thank you to our esteemed judges: Kim Tysick, Barbara Foulds, Gerry Paquette, Kim Hersey, and Sarah Dagg.