Monday, October 8, 2012

Terry Fallis at Algonquin College

It was a hilarious talk, at Algonquin College, on Oct 2nd, when Terry Fallis came and spoke to a crowd of over 150 people. He talked about his early writing days and how he started creating podcasts of his book, The Best Laid Plans. He was amazed by the feedback, from people around the world. One man in Scotland wrote to him to say that he was mis-pronouncing the brand name of Scotch, that his main character, Angus McLintock liked. Another man in Hong Kong, was stuck in early morning traffic and listening to the podcast saved him from boredom. He also discussed his shock and amazement when he first discovered he made the short list for the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour and then went on to win it, in 2008. Finally, Mr. Fallis read an excerpt from The Best Laid Plans and answered questions from the audience.
After the talk, Mr. Fallis signed copies of his books and talked to members of the audience. It was a great event, and the Algonquin Reads committee wishes to thank Mr. Fallis for coming to the Algonquin and entertaining us!
Photographs taken by Ji Sok Chung, 2nd year Library and Information Technician student.

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